Version 16.20 Now Available

Winter 2020 Newsletter

In this issue:

  1. Version 16.20 Released!

  2. Classes and Events

  3. Web Site Additions

  4. Current Versions

  5. PLS is Growing!

Version 16.20 Released!

Happy New Year! We are releasing version 16.20 so you can start the year with the following new capabilities: Wire Bundle Geometry rendering that is automatically considered in many clearance calculations, Enhanced 3D Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) calculator that includes effects from multiple circuits and the ground surface, and a Reference Manager so non-PLS files can easily be bundled into your projects. In addition to these headline features, we have made dozens of other improvements detailed in the changelog.

Version 16.20 is shipping now: use Help/Download Upgrade to upgrade today.

Several of the more significant changes are highlighted below.

  • All: Reference File Manager (Watch the video)

  • PLS-CADD: 3D EMF Calculations (Watch the video)

  • PLS-CADD: Bundle Geometry (Watch the video)

  • PLS-CADD: Criteria Difference Report

  • PLS-CADD: File/Export/KML... for PLS-CADD/LITE projects

  •  PLS-POLE: Expanded Pole Defects (Watch the video)

  • And many other enhancements described in the program change log

Version 16.20 is our second general release with Subscription Based Licensing (SBL). Hundreds of clients representing thousands of licenses have successfully migrated to SBL. These clients are now free to run their PLS software in virtual and remote environments all without a hardware key. If you have not yet made the transition then our sales team will discuss it with you at your next renewal

You can use Help/Download Upgrade to upgrade to version 16.20 today if your licenses are within support. If they are expired, please contact and we will send you a quote to renew.

Classes and Events

We have scheduled the following classes:

New classes are added throughout the year based on demand. You may subscribe to a mailing list to be notified whenever a new class is scheduled.

Web Site Additions and Updates

Current Versions

The current shipping versions of our software are listed below. These versions support the 64-bit editions of Windows 7, 8 and 10.



We strongly encourage you to upgrade to the current release of all the applications you own. To do so please use the Help/Download Upgrade command built into your PLS software. This would also be a good time to use the Help/Check for Updated Manual command to obtain the version 16.20 edition of the manuals. If your licenses have expired, then please email for a renewal quotation.

As always, we welcome your suggestions and comments on our software. Please send them to

PLS is Growing!

Our continued growth means that we need to hire more talented people. We are looking for:

  • Engineers with experience in Transmission, Distribution, and/or Substation design using PLS

  • Software Developers familiar with C/C++

If interested, please send your resume to

Staff of Power Line Systems

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