Importing and Exporting Data to and from PLS Software

Power Line Systems recognizes the importance of interoperating with other software and therefore provides a wide variety of ways to import and export data. This technical note will provide an overview of these options in order to make you aware of what is possible and guide you to finding additional information.

Importing Data Into TOWER, PLS-POLE and PLS-CADD

Applicable to all Programs:

  • Support for vector and raster graphics (DXF, BMP, TIFF, PNG, and JPEG files, PLS-CADD adds SHP, ECW and JPEG2000 support).
    You can attach images in these formats and then design on top of them. For more information see the following manuals TOWER section 4.2.7, PLS-POLE section 4.2.5 or PLS-CADD section 6.6 respectively.

  • Copy and paste into any spreadsheet table.
    You can copy and paste data from spreadsheet software (such as Excel) into any table in our software. This method has proven to be the quickest to setup, easiest to use and most reliable of all the data transfer methods.

  • Reports can be saved and exported directly to Google Drive or as a Google spreadsheet.

  • Reports can be saved to PDF files using the Windows 10 built-in PDF print driver.

PLS-CADD Specific:

  •  You may import parts and assemblies (also known as compatible units) from any ODBC data source.
    A part consists of a stock #, cost, description and optional user defined data.
    An assembly (or compatible unit) is composed of parts and/or other assemblies.
    The PLS-CADD material and labor management system is described in more detail in Appendix M of the PLS-CADD Manual.
    Additionally you can view a 1.5 hour long Material Functions Webinar session that covers material integration in PLS-CADD

    Webinars are accessed by using the latest version of the software and navigating to Help/Register for training classes….

  • Survey data in almost any ASCII based user defined format can be imported including both XYZ based data and profile data (called "PFL" data that consists of station, offset, and elevation)
    The XYZ file format as well as the user programmable importer are described in Appendix D of the PLS-CADD manual.
    The PFL file format as well as the user programmable importer are described in Appendix E of the PLS-CADD manual.
    A sample survey specification is available here.
    The procedure for importing data is shown in detail in the USGS TechNote.

    Also see our Importing Survey Files Webinar.

    Webinars are accessed by using the latest version of the software and navigating to Help/Register for training classes….

  • Survey data may be imported from LAS/LAZ files

  • Terrain data can also be extracted from a DXF file (see raster graphics above) or from a shapefile (.shp).
    Use the Terrain/Edit/Create XYZ or PFL File of Points From DXF Attachment command in PLS-CADD.
    See the TechNote: How to Digitize Existing Plan and Profile Drawings (includes a video demonstrating the process)

  • Survey data and alignments can be imported from KML files

  • Survey data can be obtained through heads up digitizing of scanned P&P sheets
    Many utilities have found that creating a line model from old drawings that have been scanned or from CAD files can be a quick and cost effective way of building a preliminary model for uprating/rerating.

  • Break lines can be associated with a TIN model in several ways.
    They can be extracted from a DXF attachment (see section 6.5 of the PLS-CADD manual).
    They can be imported from a SiteWorks ® file (see section 6.5 of the PLS-CADD manual).
    They can be read from a PLS-CADD .brk file (see section 6.5 and appendix D of the PLS-CADD manual).

  • TINs may be imported from a LandXML file using Terrain/TIN/Import From LandXML File

  • Additional raster graphics image formats supported by PLS-CADD include GEOTIFF, ECW and JPEG 2000 (.jp2)
    All images can be automatically georeferenced through the use of a TIFF World File (described in section 6.6.2 of the PLS-CADD manual). Most GIS systems are capable of emitting imagery and the TIFF world file. Use of this data can greatly speed up the design process by reducing or eliminating the need to develop a CAD base map.

  • Raster graphics may be imported using Web Mapping Services (WMS)

  • Structure names and locations can be imported from a spreadsheet or KMZ/KML file.

  • Structure photos that contain a GPS metadata may be imported and automatically geolocated

Exporting Data From TOWER, PLS-POLE and PLS-CADD

Applicable to all Programs:

  • All spreadsheet tables can be exported to an ODBC data source.
    This functionality requires that the PLS-DB module supplied with PLS-CADD be installed.
    See appendix M of the PLS-CADD manual for more information.

  • Tabular data in text reports can be viewed in a spreadsheet table, exported to XML, or exported to JSON.
    To view the data in a table (which can then be exported to a database via ODBC) right click in the report and click on the name of your table in the Table View menu.
    To export the data to an XML file right click in the report and click on the name of your table in the XML Export menu.
    To export the data to a JSON file right click in the report and click on the name of your table in the JSON Export menu.

    For more information on this watch our YouTube Video here.

  • You can copy data from any spreadsheet table into other software (e.g. Excel).
    You have the option to include header information when copying. Once again, the simple low-tech copy and paste solution is quick, inexpensive and reliable.

  • All spreadsheet tables can be saved to an XML or JSON file.
    Select the XML Export or JSON Export command from the menu that appears when you right click in the upper left corner of the table.
    The XML/JSON schema is self documenting with each column labeled in both computer and human readable form as well as having the units the data is stored in specified.

  • Graphics views can be saved to a DXF file.
    DXF stands for Drawing eXchange Format and can be read by most CAD systems

PLS-POLE and TOWER Specific:

  • Results from a PLS-POLE or TOWER analysis are available in XML format.
    These formats are easily parsable and a variety of options for running your post processor are available.
    For more information please see section [4.2.9|4.2.4] of the [TOWER|PLS-POLE] manuals respectively.
    Several utilities have used this capability to extend the checks built into TOWER and PLS-POLE.
    Some manufacturers have used the post processor to automate the bidding process.

  • TOWER models may be exported to SDNF (Steel Detailing Neutral File) using File/Export SDNF

  • Export the geometry to a STL file for 3D printing

PLS-CADD Specific:

  • Plan & Profile Sheets can be exported to a DXF file, to a PDF file or to any Windows printer.
    For more information on P&P Sheets in PDF as well as an example sheet, please see this TechNote and our Drafting Functions Webinar.
    Also see section 13.4 of the PLS-CADD manual for more information.

  • The 3D view can be exported to a KML file via the File/Export KML command.
    While KML is most commonly used in conjunction with Google Earth, it can be used with other software as well

  • The Staking Table and Staking Material Table have the commonly requested information for construction available.
    Also see section 12.3 and appendix M of the PLS-CADD manual.

  • File/Export XML produces an XML file with information relevant to the current project. This file can also be written automatically during each save to guarantee consistency.

  • Many reports (30+ at last count) can be exported to KML or Shapefiles (.shp) for display in a GIS.