Criteria Files
The following links will download criteria files (*.cri) for use in our PLS-CADD and PLS-CADD/LITE programs. These criteria files are generic and intended solely to provide you with the minimum requirements to meet the referenced codes. You may need to adjust some of the parameters for your geographic locations, such as the Extreme Wind, Combined Wind and Ice, Extreme Ice cases, and any additional weather and/or structure loading cases for your local and/or utility specific loadings. It is highly recommended that the Notes be reviewed, understood, and updated accordingly. Use of these files is at the user's risk, and as with all projects, qualified Engineers should review and modify them as necessary.
Animated picture showing how to download wires from within the software
These files will work with versions 15.00 and later of PLS-CADD and PLS-CADD/LITE. Should you need to upgrade, please contact us at
To download a file, simply click on it and then save it to your computer when prompted.
GO95 Grade A Default | General Order 95 (California) Grade A Construction Default Grade B and Grade C can be manually assigned to individual structures Light Loading will automatically be used for structures below 3000 feet in elevation and Heavy Loading will automatically be used for structures above 3000 feet in elevation. |
GO95 Grade B Default | General Order 95 (California) Grade B Construction Default Grade A and Grade C can be manually assigned to individual structures. Light Loading will automatically be used for structures below 3000 feet in elevation and Heavy Loading will automatically be used for structures above 3000 feet in elevation. |
GO95 Grade C Default | General Order 95 (California) Grade C Construction Default Grade A and Grade B can be manually assigned to individual structures. Light Loading will automatically be used for structures below 3000 feet in elevation and Heavy Loading will automatically be used for structures above 3000 feet in elevation. |
2017 NESC Warm Islands | Grade B Construction Only - Primarily for Transmission Projects Also can be used on Distribution Projects where reliability is a concern (Updated September 11th, 2017 to Version 15 which supports insulator Hardware Strength Factors) |
2017 NESC Light | |
2017 NESC Medium | |
2017 NESC Heavy | |
2017 NESC Warm Islands | Grade B Construction Default with Grade C and Grade C Crossing available to be manually assigned to individual structures (Updated September 11th, 2017 to Version 15 which supports insulator Hardware Strength Factors) |
2017 NESC Light | |
2017 NESC Medium | |
2017 NESC Heavy | |
2017 NESC Warm Islands | Grade C Construction Default with Grade C Crossing and Grade B available to be manually assigned to individual structures; Rules 250C and 250D are automatically applied to structures above 60 feet above grade and ignored for structures below 60 feet above grade (Updated September 11th, 2017 to Version 15 which supports insulator Hardware Strength Factors) |
2017 NESC Light | |
2017 NESC Medium | |
2017 NESC Heavy | |
2017 NESC Warm Islands | Grade C Construction with Grade C Crossing and Grade B available to be manually assigned to individual structures; Rules 250C and 250D are NOT included. These files are greatly simplified and primarily for use on DISTRIBUTION only projects where no structures are 60 feet above grade and the bare minimum safety code requirements are desired. (Updated September 11th, 2017 to Version 15 which supports insulator Hardware Strength Factors) |
2017 NESC Light | |
2017 NESC Medium | |
2017 NESC Heavy | |
2012 NESC Warm Islands | Grade B Construction Only – Primarily for Transmission Projects Also can be used on Distribution Projects where reliability is a concern |
2012 NESC Light | |
2012 NESC Medium | |
2012 NESC Heavy | |
2012 NESC Warm Islands | Grade B Construction Default with Grade C and Grade C Crossing available to be manually assigned to individual structures |
2012 NESC Light | |
2012 NESC Medium | |
2012 NESC Heavy | |
2012 NESC Warm Islands | Grade C Construction Default with Grade C Crossing and Grade B available to be manually assigned to individual structures; Rules 250C and 250D are automatically applied to structures above 60 feet above grade and ignored for structures below 60 feet above grade |
2012 NESC Light | |
2012 NESC Medium | |
2012 NESC Heavy | |
2012 NESC Warm Islands | Grade C Construction with Grade C Crossing and Grade B available to be manually assigned to individual structures; Rules 250C and 250D are NOT included. These files are greatly simplified and primarily for use on DISTRIBUTION only projects where no structures are 60 feet above grade and the bare minimum safety code requirements are desired. |
2012 NESC Light | |
2012 NESC Medium | |
2012 NESC Heavy | |
2012 Generic Wind and Ice | Metric Template for Creating non-NESC Criteria Files |
2012 Generic Extreme Wind | Metric Template for Creating non-NESC Criteria Files |
Generic Wind and Ice | Imperial Units Template for Creating non-NESC Criteria Files |
Generic Extreme Wind | Imperial Units Template for Creating non-NESC Criteria Files |
2007 NESC Light | Grade B Construction per Table 253-1, Page 170 and Table 261-1A, Page 182 |
2007 NESC Medium | Grade B Construction per Table 253-1, Page 170 and Table 261-1A, Page 182 |
2007 NESC Heavy | Grade B Construction per Table 253-1, Page 170 and Table 261-1A, Page 182 |
2002 NESC Light | Grade B Construction per Table 253-1, Page 173 and Table 261-1A, Page 182 |
2002 NESC Medium | Grade B Construction per Table 253-1, Page 173 and Table 261-1A, Page 182 |
2002 NESC Heavy | Grade B Construction per Table 253-1, Page 173 and Table 261-1A, Page 182 |
1997 NESC Light | Grade B Construction per Table 253-1, Page 155 and Table 261-1A, Page 163 |
1997 NESC Medium | Grade B Construction per Table 253-1, Page 155 and Table 261-1A, Page 163 |
1997 NESC Heavy | Grade B Construction per Table 253-1, Page 155 and Table 261-1A, Page 163 |
GO95 Grade A Default | General Order 95 (California) Grade A Construction Default Grade B and Grade C can be manually assigned to individual structures Light Loading will automatically be used for structures below 3000 feet in elevation and Heavy Loading will automatically be used for structures above 3000 feet in elevation. |
GO95 Grade B Default | General Order 95 (California) Grade B Construction Default Grade A and Grade C can be manually assigned to individual structures. Light Loading will automatically be used for structures below 3000 feet in elevation and Heavy Loading will automatically be used for structures above 3000 feet in elevation. |
GO95 Grade C Default | General Order 95 (California) Grade C Construction Default Grade A and Grade B can be manually assigned to individual structures. Light Loading will automatically be used for structures below 3000 feet in elevation and Heavy Loading will automatically be used for structures above 3000 feet in elevation. |
NESC 2023
2023 NESC Warm Islands | Grade B Construction Only - Primarily for Transmission Projects Also can be used on Distribution Projects where reliability is a concern (Updated August 19th, 2022 for ice density and new wind/ice maps) |
2023 NESC Light | |
2023 NESC Medium | |
2023 NESC Heavy |
2023 NESC Warm Islands | Grade B Construction Default with Grade C and Grade C Crossing available to be manually assigned to individual structures (Updated August 19th, 2022 for ice density and new wind/ice maps) |
2023 NESC Light | |
2023 NESC Medium | |
2023 NESC Heavy |
2023 NESC Warm Islands | Grade C Construction with Grade C Crossing and Grade B available to be manually assigned to individual structures; Rules 250C and 250D are NOT included. These files are greatly simplified and primarily for use on DISTRIBUTION only projects where no structures are 60 feet above grade and the bare minimum safety code requirements are desired. (Updated August 19th, 2022 for ice density and new ice/wind maps) |
2023 NESC Light | |
2023 NESC Medium | |
2023 NESC Heavy |
2023 NESC Warm Islands | Grade C Construction Default with Grade C Crossing and Grade B available to be manually assigned to individual structures; Rules 250C and 250D are automatically applied to structures above 60 feet above grade and ignored for structures below 60 feet above grade (Updated August 19th, 2022 for ice density and new wind/ice maps) |
2023 NESC Light | |
2023 NESC Medium | |
2023 NESC Heavy |
NESC 2017
Once you have downloaded the files into your criteria directory you should run PLS-CADD. Now, in PLS-CADD or PLS-CADD/LITE, simply select Criteria / Load CRI File (near the bottom of the menu), locate and open the criteria file you downloaded. Be sure and read the notes section by selecting Criteria / Notes to see if the criteria are applicable to your projects. We suggest that the descriptions of the existing weather cases not be changed, as that will impact other parts of the criteria file. Modifications to the existing weather cases can easily be made and additional cases can be added and applied as necessary.
A few points of clarification should be made to fully understand the NESC 2002 files (these do not apply to the 2007 NESC criteria files):
Automatic Sagging - Criteria / Automatic Sagging are based on code tension limitations (i.e. per Rule 261H2, Page 161, 1997 NESC or per Rule 261H1, Page 179, 2002 NESC). While not in violation of the code, lines installed at these tensions are susceptable to aeolian vibrations, and also may not be the optimum tensions to use on lines with many deadend or angle structures. The engineer should consult with damper manufacturers and properly assess the project to determine desirable tensions for use with automatic sagging.
NESC Strength Factors for Braces - The strength factors for braces assume that the braces are made of wood, and that the capacities used in the structural design are ultimate strengths. Should the braces be made of other materials, or should the user wish to justify other strength factors by proof testing, these factors will need to be modified accordingly.
NESC Strength Factors for Insulators - The insulator strength factors in these criteria files are 1.0. The applicable strength reduction factors in accordance to the codes (i.e. NESC Rule 277, Page 170, 1997 NESC or per Rule 277, Page 188, 2002 NESC) should be applied to the insulator strengths when modeling the insulators.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: These files are being provided on an "as-is" basis. Power Line Systems, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the data herein, and the PLS-CADD end user is responsible for the use and verification of all data obtained in this library.