Cable Models
The following links will let you browse our web site for conductors based on manufacturer, type, name, and/or size. When possible we have included both linear and nonlinear cable models for your use as appropriate. The use of a linear cable model may be acceptable for calculating loads and sags in an as-built situation such as joint use applications, or when linear elastic behavior and nominal creep are desired. The use of nonlinear cable models is highly recommended for transmission and distribution line designs where creep and after load effects are important.
Animated picture showing how to download wires from within the software
All of the cable models that Power Line Systems has are posted on this site. If you do not find the cable you are looking for then you can contact the manufacturer and ask them for a cable file or create your own as described in section 9.2 of the PLS-CADD manual. The procedure for Creating T2 Conductors is available online.
These cables are compatible with version 13.00 and newer of PLS-CADD. Version 14.25 and newer allow you to import them directly from Sections/Cable and Concentrated Loads Files/Edit Existing Cable File... command as shown above and to the right.
***ALL Wires and Cables*** must be downloaded exclusively from within the software, you cannot download them from this website.
Browse Library | Description |
General Cable | Contains more than 3400 wire files with General Cable's conductor sag and tension coefficient data. |
Generic Nonlinear | These wire files were developed using published data from publicly available sources. Updated heat capacity of 54/19 ACSR files August 2014. Conductor data from the wire manufacturer should be used instead of these files whenever possible. |
Copperweld | Copperweld wire files provided by Copperweld. Contact Copperweld for details. |
CTC Global | Revised February, 2023 with updated and additional ACCC® cable models for regular and ULS cores per ASTM and IEC standards. |
Epsilon Cable | Epsilon Advanced Conductors WIR files (incl. HVCRC ®, ECRC®). Revised August, 2024. Contact Epsilon Cable for details. |
J-Power Systems Gap | Gap type conductor files supplied by J-Power Systems. Revised May 17, 2005: Contact J-Power Systems for details. Note:In Sections/Modify be sure to sag Gap conductor using the initial temperature and tension at which it will be strung (unlike other conductors it is very important that the sagging data here be the same as the conditions under which it is strung as this affects the knee point temperature at which the core carries all the load). Note: The manufacturer recommends you not allow aluminum in compression in Criteria/Bimetallic Cable Model in PLS-CADD with these conductors. |
J-Power Systems Invar | Invar high temperature low sag conductor files supplied by J-Power Systems. Note: The manufacturer recommends you not allow aluminum in compression in Criteria/Bimetallic Cable Model in PLS-CADD with these conductors. |
J-Power Systems Long Span | Long span crossing conductor files supplied by J-Power Systems. |
Brugg Cables | OPGW wire files supplied by Brugg Cables Revised December 30, 2010. |
3M | 3M™ Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced (ACCR) PLS-CADD cable models. UPDATED 11/1/18 to include Ampacity Values for use with IEEE 738-2012. |
AFL Telecommunications | OPGW wire files supplied by AFL Telecommunications. 144 fiber cables replaced 96 fiber cables February, 2012." |
Prysmian | OPGW wire files supplied by Prysmian |
SFPOC | OPGW wire files supplied by Suzhou Furukawa Power Optic Cable Company. |
ZTT | Wire files supplied by ZTT. |
Incab - OPGW | OPGW wire files supplied by Incab America LLC |
Tokyo Rope - ACFR | ACFR wire files supplied by Tokyo Rope. 539-56-FA-TTT cable updated July 2024. |
Southwire Legacy ACSS | Legacy ACSS wires supplied by Southwire Company, LLC |
Southwire MaxStorm ™ | MaxStorm™ wires supplied by Southwire Company, LLC. Posted June, 2017 - Updated April, 2020. |
Southwire C7® | C7® wires supplied by Southwire Company, LLC. Additional cable models added April, 2019. |
Superior Essex | Copper and Fiber Wire files supplied by Superior Essex |
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: These files are being provided on an "as-is" basis. Power Line Systems, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the data herein, and the PLS-CADD end user is responsible for the use and verification of all data obtained in this library.